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Cucamelon Cucumber (Melothria scabra)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Yellowstone Carrots (Daucus carota var. sativus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This variety is smooth and of a beautiful yellow color. It is a fairly early variety with a very good sweet flavor. It does not become tough, even forgotten in the garden. It is very juicy and delicious both raw and cooked. It will be like a ray of sunshine on your plates!

Latin name: Daucus carota var. satisfied
Common names: Yellow carrot
English: Yellow carrot
Family: Apiaceae
Summer radish mix (Raphanus sativus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Summer radishes of all colors, from purple to white and red. Some more rosy, others more spicy. Perfect for the undecided, excellent on plates where the diversity will amaze your guests.

Latin name: Raphanus sativus
Common names: Radish, summer radish
English: Radish
Family: Brassicaceae

Make several successive sowings during the summer to have several harvests.

*** The vast majority of our seeds are produced on our farm. However, if the cultivation of a variety fails or if it is out of stock, we source from other seed companies to ensure an interesting selection. This is the case for this variety.
French Sorrel (Rumex acetosa)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Common sorrel variety with large green leaves. This perennial, tangy and lemony, will liven up your soups and salads. Harvest the leaves when they are still young and tender. Little tip: French sorrel can also be used to soothe stings (from nettle and bugs) by rubbing the leaves on the skin.

CARE AND OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: Contains oxalic acid, do not consume in excess.
Saint-Anne shallots (Allium ascalonicum)
9.99 $ 9.99 $ 9.99 CAD
Sale between july 20th and november 15th only

This product is only available to order between July 1 and November 1 of each year. Treasures of our Quebec heritage, the Sainte-Anne shallot is a perfectly perennial alliaceae. It comfortably spends our Quebec winters under the cover of snow without any damage. It grows in the spring, very early, and we can then taste it as a green shallot. Then it multiplies and its foliage dries up. We will pull it out on June 24, on St-Jean Baptiste Day. Then we will dry it completely at home, to eat it but also to replant it at Ste-Anne, on July 26th. It will begin to grow again and store up for the winter. Then we start again in the spring!This product is only available between July 1 and November 1 of each year.Package of 8 shallots from Ste-Anne;For more information, * The price of this item is a little higher than our regular pouches to cover shipping costs*

The shallot winters well in Quebec, under the snow cover, but does not keep well indoors.
Radish D'Avignon (Raphanus sativus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This pretty elongated radish, red with a white tip, is an ancestral variety that comes from the south of France. An ideal vegetable for filling holes in the vegetable garden in the spring, it also deserves a place of choice there. Favorite of beginner gardeners, resow as many times as you want to harvest all season long!

Latin name: Raphanus sativus
Common names: Avignon radish
English: D'avignon radish
Family: Brassicaceae

Make several successive sowings during the summer to have several harvests.
Aconcagua pepper (Capsicum anuum)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Aconcagua is a peak in Argentina located thirteen kilometers from the Chilean border and rising 6,962 meters above sea level. Nicknamed "America's Colossus", it is the highest point in the Andes Mountains. This variety of pepper that was named in his honor bears huge fruits, which can reach 30 cm in length and 320 grams. Pale green in color, they turn red when ripe. Very tasty they can be used in salads or on the grill. Very productive variety.

Latin name: Capsicum anuum
Common names: Acuncagua pepper, sweet pepper
English: Acuncagua pepper
Family: Solanaceae

Love the heat.
Japanese Indigo
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Grow your very own blue! With Japanese indigo, you can dye natural fibers rich shades of blue. This type of indigo was used for a long time in Japan and other Asian countries, but it also grows quite easily in Quebec where we can get two harvests per year. Blooms in white or pink, depending on the individual plant.
Mafane brèdes (Acmella oleracea)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
This surprising plant produces button flowers that have a pungent peppery flavor that is strongest in the open yellow flowers. The flowers especially are slightly anesthetic, the effect produced is very particular. The leaves are eaten fresh during the day after harvest. They can be kept for three days in the refrigerator rolled up in a damp cloth. They can also be dried and used later.

Latin name: Acmella oleracea
Common names: Pará Watercress, Garden Spilanthe, Jambu, Anamalaho, Kimotodoha, Kimalao
English: Toothache plant, paracress, Sichuan buttons, buzz buttons, tingflowers, electric daisy
Family: Asteraceae

Likes the heat and a little afraid of the wind. Pot culture possible
Sweetgrass (Hierochloe odorata)
8.00 $ 8.00 $ 8.0 CAD
This perennial plant forms clumps of linear green leaves and exudes a delicious sweet, vanilla scent when dried. Also called "buffalo grass", this plant is considered sacred by the indigenous peoples of North America. For many of them, it represents a keystone species of the culture and is a reflection of their collective identity, their values ​​and their beliefs. In the form of an incense or a braid, sweetgrass will intoxicate you with its subtle fragrance.

Latin name: Hierochloe odorata
Common names: Bison grass, Sweet oats, Sweet hulk
English: Vanilla Grass
Family: Poaceae
Cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Annual nectariferous plant of the sunflower family. It attracts butterflies and other pollinators. Its flowers with a bright yellow heart come in colors of white, pink and purple. They grow on stems that are sometimes more than a meter long and bloom from the end of July until the first frosts.

Avoid soils that are too rich, which favor a lot of foliage to the detriment of flowers. Tolerates drought well.
Forellenschluss lettuce (Lactuca sativa var, longifolia)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Red speckled romaine lettuce. It is the sweetest in our collection. In 1997, during a tasting competition, the Forellenschluss received 1st prize among 900 other varieties of lettuce. Very beautiful, it will seduce more than one on the plate. Heritage variety from Austria. Its name means "spotted like a trout".

Latin name: Lactuca sativa var. longifolia 'Forellenschluss'
Common names: Forellenschluss lettuce, romaine type lettuce
English: Forellenschluss Lettuce, Trout Back lettuce, Freckles lettuce.
Family: Asteraceae
Kahnawake Mohawk Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Vigorous climbing bean that can reach 12 feet. Soft green pods, sweet and slightly flattened bean. Very productive. Usually grown for its dry, beige grain streaked with chocolate veins, but can be eaten fresh as well. Climbs so high that our stakes could not resist and fell at the end of the season, under the weight of the plants. Originally cultivated by the Iroquois First Nations of Kahnawake (Quebec). One of the finest beans in our collection.
Apios americana (Rosary Potato) (Apios americana)
10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.0 CAD

Perennial climbing plant native to Quebec. It belongs to the legume family. It is suitable for banks and shores, but also for cultivated gardens. With its very fragrant flowers, it is reminiscent of wisteria. It is also called tuberous glycine. Its other name, wild bean, refers to the edible bean produced (in a favorable climate) by its flowers. Its tubers, also edible, are connected to each other by a vine root, hence its name of potato in a string. It was widely consumed by First Nations. Nowadays, it is not uncommon to see it growing on the site of former Native American villages. Very nutritious (it contains up to 18% protein, three times more than potatoes), it can be eaten boiled or fried. On the other hand, the peel contains latex, so it must be peeled.

*Note Rare people may be indisposed by consumption
Package 8 tubers of small size.
Germination rate 100%

For spring orders, plant in pots until you have access to the ground and can transplant them outside. Each tuber can germinate and give a plant. Cut the rosary into as many parts as it contains tubers. Place each tuber in a flat position, about 5-6 cm deep, much like you would a potato. (However, the Apios does not cut into several pieces like the latter).
You can mulch lightly, the stem will pass through a mulch. Stake.

After two weeks, a stem will emerge from the ground. It will roll up like a bean.
Harvest in the fall. When the leaves are dry, dig up the tubers with a pitchfork. A single tuber will give two to three “chains”.
You will have to dig a little further than where you planted. Put a single tuber back in the same place in anticipation of next year's harvest. Mulch. Apios americana is very resistant to Quebec winters.

Taste the rest. Be sure to peel and boil or fry well before eating, as the peel contains latex, which can cause stomach bloating.
True Red Cranberry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Climbing bean to be shelled. Variety from the Abenaki First Nations and part of the Slow Food Ark of Taste. The beans, when dry, are a fiery red making them look like a cranberry. White hilt. Rich flavor. Rare variety having been rediscovered by bean collector John Withee, who got it from Mr. Taylor of Steep Falls, Maine, after 11 years of research. He had read the description in an encyclopedia dating back to the 1700s. In 1981, John Withee donated his collection of 1,186 beans to the Seed Savers Exchange (USA). This variety appeared in several eastern New England catalogs in the 1850s, including one from Montreal, dated 1899, which listed this variety as very popular.

Nose Pierced Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Dwarf green bean with very small delicate pods. Early and prolific, this variety gives small seeds of a beautiful golden brown. It would come from the Nez Percé Native American tribe. Maintained for generations by the Denny family of Idaho (1930), this bean will produce certain twigs (“runner”) about 3 feet that can be staked or left on the ground. Can be eaten dry or fresh. 5 to 6 seeds per pod. Endangered, please share!

Staking is not compulsory, can bush on the ground.

Latin name: Phaseolus vulgaris
Common names: Bean 'Nez Perce
English: Nez perce beans, Indian woman yellow beans.
Family: Fabaceae
Mennonite bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Very vigorous climbing green bean producing beautiful purple mauve flowers as well as very long striped green pods which are delicious eaten fresh. When dry, the beans are striped gray on a pale background. Note that the bean hilum is not located in the center of the bean, since it is not symmetrical. It therefore gives the impression of having been slightly crushed once dry. The Semences du patrimoine organization lists this variety as being very rare. Probably come from the Mennonites of the region of Waterloo in Ontario.

Latin name: Phaseolus vulgaris 'Mennonite'
Common names: English Mennonite Bean, Mennonite Bean
Family: Fabaceae
Beurre de Rocquencourt Bush Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris var. nana)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Golden yellow bean with long, thin pods. Very good productivity and stability. Originally from France and previously from Algeria. The more you pick, the more it produces, over a long period of time. Its advantage lies in the ability of its pods to remain tender for several days on the plant. So advantageous for traveling gardeners or market gardeners too busy to pick their beans every day. The seeds are elongated, deep black. One of the tastiest in our collection. Beans of this type were introduced to France around the 1840s under the name Haricot d'Alger, because they supposedly originated in Algeria. From this genetic pool of black-seed beans, the French developed other varieties including butters from Rocquencourt, a town near Versailles.

Avoid handling or removing weeds when the beans are wet to avoid the proliferation of diseases. With us, it is very resistant to diseases and very little watered, since it is mulched throughout the summer. When the seedlings have started to sprout, ensure that the plants do not lack water until the first true leaves appear.
Laliberté broad bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Dwarf bean that produces a legume halfway between a pea and a broad bean. According to the Potager d'Antan "In 1999, it was cultivated by 80-year-old Mr. Laliberté de Lotbinière, who confirmed the uniqueness of this plant throughout Canada. (…) Presented by the son of Mr. Laliberté to Antoine D'Avignon, a protective angel of the Semencier du Patrimoine. Died in 2003, it was his sister, Madame Gisèle Davignon who passed them on to us. »Delicious in pea soup, a traditional dish in Quebec at the beginning of the last century. This variety is considered very rare and in danger of extinction.

Latin name: Phaseolus vulgaris
Common names: Pea-bean, legume, bean
English: Bean
Family: Fabaceae

Easy to maintain.
Dutch Princess bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
3.78 $ 3.78 $ 3.7800000000000002 CAD
Dwarf green bean with small, round, sweet pods. A delight! This variety was found on a seed exchange table at a Seed Festival in Frelighsburg, Quebec, in 2013. It has a name that seems old, and is not listed by seed saving organizations in the Canada or the United States. Limited quantities. VERY RARE. Anyone who can provide us with information on where it comes from would be appreciated as this is one of our best beans! Addendum In November 2016 we found a trace of a Duch Princesse bean in the "New-Zeland Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science /Experimental Agriculture" of March 1978. The origin of the bean named Duch Princess is believed to be Holland. He was also named by the seed company William Damn Seeds who would sell an improved variety from a Duch Princess bean. We find another trace of it in a research center in... Tanzania, in Arusha, (Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT)) in 1972.

Avoid handling or removing weeds when the beans are wet to prevent the spread of disease. When the seedlings have started to sprout, ensure that the plants do not lack water until the first true leaves appear.